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tentative diagnosis meaning in Hindi

tentative diagnosis sentence in Hindi

अनंतिम निदान
tentative    अनंतिम अस्थायी
diagnosis    निदान मूल्यांकन
1.The driver, who was given a tentative diagnosis of epilepsy, later died.

2.Tentative diagnosis can also be made in utero via fetal echocardiogram.

3.The tentative diagnosis, however, has not yet been confirmed by tests, he said.

4.The tentative diagnosis was a pulled muscle in the lower left side of the back.

5.A tentative diagnosis of leukemia was confirmed Tuesday.

6.A doctor often can feel a knot from the telescoped bowel and make a tentative diagnosis.

7.A doctor can often feel a knot from the telescoped bowel and make a tentative diagnosis.

8.In examining the abdomen, a doctor often can feel a knot from the telescoped bowel and make a tentative diagnosis.

9.Thursday's tentative diagnosis sent health bureaucracies in Russia and neighboring nations clanking into action to stop the spread of the SARS virus.

10.After his meetings with FBI, Tsonas was contacted early this year by the senior federal medical expert, who asked him detailed questions about the tentative diagnosis.

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How to say tentative diagnosis in Hindi and what is the meaning of tentative diagnosis in Hindi? tentative diagnosis Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.